Dr. Ricardo J. Whyte was an Assistant Professor in the Loma Linda University School of Medicine. His expertise in Addiction Psychiatry stems from earning his Bachelors in Biochemistry from Atlantic Union College, obtaining a Medical Doctorate from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, completing a Residency in Adult and Adolescent Psychiatry from the Loma Linda University Department of Psychiatry, and completing a 1 year Fellowship in Addiction Psychiatry at the University of California at Los Angeles. He is currently the Medical Director of the Chemical Dependency Unit of the Behavioral Medicine Center at Loma Linda University Health.
Above all Dr. Whyte is a committed Christian who enjoys being inspired by Biblical teachings and insights that serve to enhance the practice of his discipline. Dr. Whyte has been married for over a decade and half to the former Florence Vincent and the product of their union is a lovely pre-tween named Alexi Genevieve. Dr. Whyte’s professional interests include the Neurobiology of Reward and Addiction, the Art of Avoiding Relapse, Couple’s Therapy, and the Art of Achieving and Maintaining Wholeness. Dr. Whyte’s goal is to design products that help the families of Addicts and Alcoholics get their loved ones into Long Term Recovery.